signal.h File Reference
#include <sys/types.h>

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ISO C99 Signals
This list based on the bits/signum-generic.h file in glibc.
#define SIGINT   2
 Interactive attention signal. More...
#define SIGILL   4
 Illegal instruction. More...
#define SIGABRT   6
 Abnormal termination. More...
#define SIGFPE   8
 Erroneous arithmetic operation. More...
#define SIGSEGV   11
 Invalid access to storage. More...
#define SIGTERM   15
 Termination request. More...
POSIX.1-2008 Signals
This list based on the bits/signum-generic.h file in glibc.
#define SIGHUP   1
 Hangup. More...
#define SIGQUIT   3
 Quit. More...
#define SIGTRAP   5
 Trace/breakpoint trap. More...
#define SIGKILL   9
 Killed. More...
#define SIGBUS   10
 Bus error. More...
#define SIGSYS   12
 Bad system call. More...
#define SIGPIPE   13
 Broken pipe. More...
#define SIGALRM   14
 Alarm clock. More...
#define SIGURG   16
 Urgent data is available at a socket. More...
#define SIGSTOP   17
 Stop, unblockable. More...
#define SIGTSTP   18
 Keyboard stop. More...
#define SIGCONT   19
 Continue. More...
#define SIGCHLD   20
 Child terminated or stopped. More...
#define SIGTTIN   21
 Background read from control terminal. More...
#define SIGTTOU   22
 Background write to control terminal. More...
#define SIGPOLL   23
 Pollable event occurred (System V). More...
#define SIGXCPU   24
 CPU time limit exceeded. More...
#define SIGXFSZ   25
 File size limit exceeded. More...
#define SIGVTALRM   26
 Virtual timer expired. More...
#define SIGPROF   27
 Profiling timer expired. More...
#define SIGUSR1   30
 User-defined signal 1. More...
#define SIGUSR2   31
 User-defined signal 2. More...


Signal Functions
C int kill (pid_t pid, int sig)
 Send a signal to a process or a group of processes. More...